We wish everyone a Healthy and Happy New Year!
We also would like to thank once again, all our loyal customers and friends, who visited our showroom this holiday season. It was a pleasure to see you all and we are grateful for your business.
We look forward to seeing you all again this year. This is a special year for us. This coming November, we will celebrate a 30 year anniversary in our building, at 1280 Whalley Avenue. It is just amazing how fast the years pass by. Please check in with us from time to time. We will be offering certain specials throughout this year to show our appreciation for your business. Please take a moment to send in your email address below, so we can keep you informed.
We are excited about building our new updated
website. It will be an ongoing work in progress, a never ending canvas filled with new information, pictures and videos, showing you, how we continue to focus our passion towards what we love to do.
Thank you all, so much!